Make Money Online Tips

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7 Tips to Make Your Blog Readers Stick Around Longer

Wondering just how you can rock your reader’s world?

Here are a few ways that seem to really bring back the visitors. Remember, it’s not getting traffic to your site just once, it’s the repeat visitors that make the difference.

You need to really crack the code of how to get visitors coming back time and time again, and sticking around when they do visit, if you want your site to go places. It's also interesting to improve your affiliate marketing skills.

1. Ask questions at the end of each of your posts.

This technique makes your readers more interested because everyone loves to offer their opinion. And, if someone does post a comment or answer your question, they are very likely to check back to see if you responded to them or if anyone else posted about their comment. So, it should also go without saying that you should always respond when someone leaves a comment on your site. You are building a valuable network of fellow bloggers.

2. Invite readers to subscribe to your RSS feed.

Interested readers will want to know when you have a new post for them to check out. After each post, include a statement that says something to the effect of, “If you like this, then subscribe to my RSS feed for regular updates.”

3. See #2, and use a RSS Feed button on your site.

Okay, this seems really simple, but if you don’t have an RSS Feed button, then get one immediately so that those readers who are drawn in by the #2 tip have something to use!

4. Make sure that you have a “Related Posts” plug-in on your site.

If your site has this valuable plug-in, then readers will instantly see titles of other related posts that may be of interest to them. This makes the average page-per-visit higher, visitors will be very likely to check out other posts if they are staring them in the face.

5. Start a contest among your readers.

This is simple, ask your readers to enter a contest for the “best” strategy to (fill in the blank). You can offer introductory services, e-books, membership, links, or even just some sort of blog award (people love ANY prize or recognition). This will get readers coming back to check out the competition and see how they are ranking. Ask readers to vote on the best blog site submitted to the contest and watch your traffic skyrocket.

6. Make yourself very accessible.

Answer questions promptly, thoughtfully, and thoroughly. Remember, the key to online marketing often lies in the social marketing and social media aspects—so be social!! Don’t make readers wonder if you received their question or comment. Address them personally each and every time, or as much as possible. Even in this computer-dominated age, people still need that human touch.

7. Lastly, make your posts relevant and interesting.

You will quickly lose readers, and eliminate return traffic if you are boring, overly aggressive, too technical, repetitive, or irrelevant. Keep your readers in mind when you are posting, and they will keep you in mind when they are surfing for information.
Follow these 7 simple tips and make your blog more “sticky.” Stick in people’s minds and they will keep returning to check out what you have to say!


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