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7 Days to Crush your Competition - Day 1

I will start by giving you some valuable advice you probably have never heard, something the gurus have been telling you not to do. When you start your Web site and you put in your keywords, DO NOT USE COMMAS (unlike this sentence). Some of you think I am crazy right now and want to close this post, but please stay with me. In a competitive niche, you want to pick up as many long-tailed keywords as possible. One way of doing that is to not have commas. With that said, let's begin.
I am assuming you already have a Web site running, so let's go ahead and get some traffic on your site. This is a proven method that works, but don't get mad if you aren't generating thousands of hits on the first day. Expect to wait at least a month to see solid results. With that said, let us begin with our sample niche, butter.
First we are going to need about 100 unique articles to get started — all on butter.
You know, salted, unsalted, organic, additives, what have you. You can work on these stories yourself or outsource them on or other similar Web sites. You can find freelance writers who will crank out these articles for about $1 per story. I am assuming you already have some content on your Web site. If you don't, post one of the articles on butter and churn interest (pun intended) in your site.


The first day includes a lot of linking and posting, so check out the “Web 2.0 sites” appendix page for links to all these sites.

First, open a Squidoo account

Unless you're building your Web site from a cave, you know Squidoo is a hugely popular community Web site. Create a new account on the site. Use your company name or Web site in your user name and you'll help folks remember your clever name. Now create a Lens on butter and use your keyword (butter) in the title. Use one of your 100 articles for content. Add a link to your site in the article using an anchor text linked to your target keyword. Then add some modules (they're like blog widgets — you'll understand when you're on Squidoo). It doesn’t really matter which modules you use. Publish it and move on.

Now create a HubPages account

You have created a Web site. You won't have trouble signing up for all these userfriendly online publishing sites. HubPages is another popular one that has the added advantage of revenue opportunities for your articles. It's not much, though, and that's not your concern right now. You need to worry about getting traffic and business on your own site, not collecting pennies from someone else's page. After you've got your memorable user name, use one of your articles and place your link somewhere in the middle of the content. Only one site link. NO MORE. Hit publish and let it run. Then forget about it for now.

Build a Wordpress blog

Wordpress is a very popular blogging site that gets great Google rankings. The site hosts blogs for CNN, Fox News and Time magazine, so you'll be in prestigious company. But first you have to create an account. Once you have a user name, you can create several linked blogs. For now, let's just make one. Use one of the articles as the first post in your new blog. Place another article in the blog and remember to put an anchor text somewhere in each article linking the keyword (butter) with your site. An interesting reading would be the best wordpress plugins.

Now create a Blogger site

Second verse same as the first. Blogger is another blogging biggie, and the site is owned by Google. Use one of the articles as your first blog post. Unlike some of the publishing sites, there is no minimum number of words for a blog post. You can post blog entries that are just quick one-liners about new features or products on your Web site. Once again, also use an anchor text linking your keyword to your site.

Next, build a Wetpaint page

Wetpaint may not be as much of a household name as some of these other sites, but it's a popular service that lets anyone quickly create their own Web site. Anyhow, you know the drill. Article, anchor text, butter, you get the picture. See, you are smarter already.
Gather and 43things are another pair of good sites for posting some of your articles.
Gather bills itself as a grown-up version of Facebook, where users post links to pages that interest them (hint, hint). 43things lists goals, with links to relevant content for each one, so you'll need to tweak your content to suit this format. Don't forget to link your keyword (butter) to your Web site.

Until tomorrow for DAY 2 ! See you around ;)


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