Make Money Online Tips

NOT Just another Make Money Online Blog ;-)


Blogging is simply putting your content on a different platform. It is not just a diary, a gimmick or cheap party trick.
Thought they certainly didn’t start out that way, blogs are incredibly useful content management systems when set up properly.

If you are marketing on the web and you don’t have a blog, you will always be beaten down by your competition. You cannot get ahead by using the tools of Web 2.0 without a blog, period.

Beyond a shadow of a doubt, blog content management systems are the darling of the search engines today, especially Google, the #1 search engine on the web.
A blog platform allows you to do things no one else in your market can do with shopping cart and static sites.

Using the platform I use (on many websites I have) to publish online means you don’t just have a web site, you have a search engine magnet and an interactive community builder that will drive targeted, willing-to-buy visitors to your site.
Read on to get up to speed on absolutely the most effective (free) blogging platform you should be on, along with the tools you must use to make that platform perform and drive traffic.


To be an authority you need to run content on a platform that allows for everything Web 2.0 marketing strategies offer us.
We don’t recommend you send all this traffic to anything less than a site that allows you to live up to Web 2.0 customer expectations.

If people find your content on a hip, relevant, interactive, widget-ized Web 2.0 site and they come to your flat, lifeless, hosted blog at some weak blog platform or some other piece of junk, your credibility and their stay on your site are both going to be short lived!

“But Matt Cutts uses!”
Uh yeah, he’s freakin’ Matt Cutts!

Matt could publish on a roll of toilet paper and get more traffic than us mere mortals!
To be able to run the widgets, plugins and do the SEO work you need to do while improving your traffic flow and user experience, such as using the widget, for example, you need a robust and powerful content management system.

But it goes way beyond that. Way beyond.

You need to be able to plug into the open source communities’ ability to create a widget or plugin on demand that will enhance your marketing, conversion, and readership.

Wordpress has more plugins available from third party programmers and more people who program plugins than for any other system out there (there aren’t but a handful of blog systems you can even program plugins or custom “widgets” for anyway.)

This is why I use Wordpress as the base of our authority site publishing system at 99% of my websites.
Though we’ve done more than anyone else on the planet to tweak Wordpress capabilities and turn it into what we call “Wordpress Master” with Post and Rank™ technology, the Wordpress base allows us to do what no other blogging CMS would.

Therefore, if you are going to do all the work involved with plugging into Web 2.0 and harnessing the traffic-driving, ranking-raising power of social marketing, we believe it is a shame to waste time on anything other than the best, even if you have to port your content into Wordpress from another blog platform you currently use.

It would be very much worth the trouble.

Now, to take it a step further, it would be a shame to use Wordpress “out of the box” and some free plugins and only get so far with your promotion efforts. There is a “glass ceiling” over what you can accomplish with Wordpress out of the box and free plugins.

(The ceiling is higher than any other, but it is still there and you are going to knock your head against it eventually after using the tactics in this blog to promote your site!)

Finally, do not get pulled into another blogging system because of its fans. They are just loyal fans of the system they publish on. They have no idea, nor the technical ability to know, how much better Wordpress is if they haven’t used it.
We have tested Wordpress against all other blogging platforms and WP just annihilates them all in the engines.

(Of course we know how to use WP to the Nth degree, so we often beat other Wordpress sites with the same topic focus just because we know how to tune it to rock the engines.)

Until next time! See you aroun :) ...


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