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10 Tips for Becoming a Better Blog Writer

In this post I will write about 10 blogging tips for becoming a better blog writer.

If you are keeping a blog for your niche market site, you probably know that you have to post regular and relevant content.

You can’t just throw anything up there and expect to be credible and successful.
Here are a few helpful tips to remember when you are posting content to your blog:

1. Think about what the reader is looking for.

By now you know your target audience (or you should) and you need to be providing them with the information that they are looking for.

2. Avoid typos, grammatical errors, and misspellings.

Proofread and edit with a fine-tooth comb. These errors make your writing look unprofessional and sloppy.

3. Use links frequently.

Liberal sprinkling of links into your articles and posts gives your readers even more information. Remember that internal links are good for your SEO.
Don’t worry about endorsing those other sites—if you are a true authority in your site you shouldn’t be threatened by your visitors getting information elsewhere, you’ll have the best information but be supplementing with the extra links.
This is a great strategy for you to network your blog and build your links, too.

4. Don’t carry on endlessly.

Keep your posts short and stick to the point. By doing this, visitors are more likely to return to your site.
Nobody takes the time to read pages and pages of content on the Internet, people want short-and-sweet information.

5. Keywords are important.

Using keywords correctly keeps the search engines happy, increasing your page rankings.
Too many keywords will make your blog look spammy, though.
Find the balance, use them as frequently as possible, just keep a natural flow.

6. Hook your readers with the headline.

Catchy headlines will get your readers to at least scan your post. Make sure the headline gives a little information about the post and makes people want to read it.

7. Keep your writing style conversational.

Don’t get too technical. Think of your readers as your friends, and write accordingly, in a conversational style.

8. Posting regularly can be time consuming.

If you don’t have time to write your own original, useful, and valuable post, share an article that someone else wrote, perhaps a video clip that fits your niche, or a book review.
Linking to other people’s information and blog sites, I repeat, is very good for your site.

9. It’s perfectly okay for a blog posting to be based on your opinion.
The thing about blogs is, readers know they are written by real people—it’s supposed to be your opinion, advice, or some communication from a person, not a company.

10. Use bullet points or numbered lists.

This makes your post easy to scan, and since you are including links (see item number 3 on this list) people can get more information on exactly what they need by clicking the links they need.
It’s not hard to keep your blog going regularly and to keep it interesting.
These tips are just a few of the simple ways to keep your readers coming back for more.


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