Make Money Online Tips

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CPA Techniques Part III


Method A

These are white hat techniques. But you should do these methods in moderation and not spamming!
Applying these methods can generate for you in excess of $3000-$10,000 or more a month if you do them correctly.

Remember, please use tools such as FaceBook Friend Bomber. This will make your work a lot easier than adding friends by yourself. Hey remember, AUTOMATION is key!

This first technique involves using ‘Clickbank’. The more ‘friends’ that you have on Facebook the more money can be earned with this technique. 5000 is the maximum number allowed on
Facebook, so let’s assume you have this number for simplicity sake. Steps to making money on Facebook:

- Join a ‘Cost Per Action’ network such as ‘Clickbank’. This is a completely free membership scheme. The CPAs make their money from the selling companies that register with them.

- Seek out and affiliate with products that you want to highlight on your Facebook pages and make available to your ‘friends’.

- Post 1 or 2 promotions on your Facebook pages with your personal recommendation or pointer to it. When your ‘friends’ click through to the promoting company you get a deposit in
your click bank account.

Example taken from the clickbank list of affiliate products:

Declutter Your Home - MP3 & EBook.
New Lower Price! Get Organized Now. Declutter Your House. Great Converting Item. Audio EBook And Pdf !!!

$/sale: $11.72 | Future $: - | Total $/sale: $11.72 | %/sale:
75.0% | %refd: 32.0% | grav: 1.04
view pitch page | create hoplink

This was fourth in the list of affiliating websites with a keyword search of “house clearances” under the “home and family’ category. The new low price is a promotion opportunity to attract
people to your ‘hoplink’ on your Facebook page.

So just add your friends on FaceBook using FaceBook Friend Bomber, you can try the free version of the software. The other alternative is you can also add friends yourself.

Notify your friends regarding these offers, superpoke them… and add the CPA offers to your signature link!
The more friends you have, the more you’ll make. So it’s best to create a few accounts. Imagine if you have 50 accounts with 5000 friends each. That means that you can add up to a quarter of a million people as friends and people you can sell to. Isn’t that powerful?


Method B

This technique takes the basic technique A to the next level. The more ‘friends’ that you have on Facebook the more money you can earn with this technique. 5000 is the maximum number allowed on Facebook, so let’s assume again that you have this number for.

Groups are important to making money on Facebook because it’s “TARGETED ADVERTISING”. The people who join your group have an established interest. For example, you can create a group about “Tatoo” and invite those who are interested in Tatoos just by
searching on FACEBOOK.

Then you can promote Tatoos sites on Clickbank and earn an whopping $75 per sale. Steps to making money on Facebook:

- Join a ‘Cost Per Action’ network such as ‘Clickbank’.

- Decide on a product or service that you feel fits in your Facebook community and where companies are registered with Clickbank.
* Clickbank have a huge number of affiliate products and services from “Americas Top Secret Recipes” to “Warcraft Guides” and everything in between.

- Promote your chosen product on your Facebook ‘group’. Aim for a personal introduction to all of your friends. Be sure that your group name includes the keywords for your affiliate
product. For example; “Cooking American style”.

- Now that you have an affiliate partner and a product to promote you need to make your group expand. Getting the ball rolling is the hardest part but it soon builds momentum and gathers people into the group like a snowball rolling downhill.

- Consider buying your own domain name and linking it to your affiliate product via a redirect. The Facebook management do not like the over commercialization of their network so to have a redirect and separate domain name is a neat way to get under their radar. If you have some ‘html’ knowledge this is easily done by inserting the following code between the and tags:

< equiv="”REFRESH”content=0;" url="your" hoplink="">

- A good starting point for building your group is to use the Facebook search facility and type in your keywords. For example “American cooking” this will give you a list of all other Facebookers with these words in their blogs. Then you invite each of them to join your group with a simple friendly message such as “Hey I see that you love American food
too. What’s your favorite recipe?

- Do not be tempted to ‘spam’ on Facebook. It is sure to get you kicked out. So do not add too many people at any one time it will attract unwanted attention to you and could get you kicked out for ‘spamming’.


Note: This method is quite powerful because you can expand your groups and keep selling to them.

Until next time! See you around ;) ...


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