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Cracked Code Guide

Welcome to the Cracked Code fast start traffic guide. I have put this step-by-step guide together so you would have a quick reference manual to refer to each time you begin your linking campaigns.

The image below provides a visual overview of how your linking campaigns should appear. In some cases, depending upon the competition for your keywords, it will only be necessary to link a couple of these sites to your main money sites.

Your main money sites are going to be your blog/landing page on your own domain and a Squidoo Lens.

Step 1

Your two main money sites are going to be your blog/landing page and Squidoo.
Create your content on these sites, observing the proper keyword density for your main keywords and be sure to include your keywords in the title headings.

Step 2

After you have created your content on these two main sites, create a linking campaign to them from Social Marker, a social bookmarking site.
Add 5 to 10 links a day, but only add 1 link from each social bookmarking site. Ensure you use proper keyword tags for your keywords.
For example, “product name,” “product name review,” “product comparisons,” etc.
Examples: “iPhone 3G,” “iPhone 3G Review,” and “iPhone 3G vs. Blackberry.”

The top 10 sites where you should bookmark your content are:

1. Digg
2. Feed Age
3. Propeller
4. Slide Share
5. Twitter
8. Stumbleupon
9. Mixx
10. Clipmarks

Step 3

After each new post, you should ping your site at either PinGoat or Ping-O Matic.

Step 4

Add your sites to Zimbio and bookmark them at Humsurfer.

Step 5

Create a linking campaign from the following article directories:

Ezine Articles
Go Articles – Links are allowed in the body of your article.
Ideamarketers – You can pay to have your article appear on the front page.

Step 6

Create additional product review sites at:


Step 7

Continue your linking campaign from the following high Google page rank sites:

Wet Paint
Windows Live Spaces
Google Groups
My Space
Live Journal
US Free Ads
Craigs List
My Blog Log

If you follow this formula closely, you should see some results relatively quickly. Of course, you have to do the proper keyword research prior to doing any SEO campaign.

Go to Google and add your keywords in quotations (“product name”). If there are less than 20,000 competing sites, you should see some results in a matter of days.

If you have less than 10,000, competing sites that is even better. You can target keywords with more competition, but you will have to do more SEO work.
Just a warning, Google can be a little unpredictable at times so do not be surprised if you lose your top rankings from time to time.

Analyze the situation and try to determine if you have added too many links too quickly or whether you need to update your site with fresh keyword rich content.
If you are not seeing results then add more links from high Google, page rank sites with your keywords in the anchor text.

Until next time! See you around ;) ...


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