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Marketing Definition Cheat Sheet

Marketing Definition Cheat Sheet

AdSense: A service offered by Google that allows ads to be displayed on a website. AdSense ads are associated with Google AdWords (defined below) and match the keywords and content of the website where they are hosted (called contextual advertising).
AdSense ads come in various sizes, can be in different locations on the page, and include formats such as text or graphical banners. When website visitors click on the ad, the AdSense Publisher receives a portion of the pay per click cost paid by Google AdWords advertisers.

AdWords: An online advertising service provided by Google that displays ads based on keywords selected by the advertiser. AdWords ads are displayed when they match a keyword search in Google. AdWords advertisers are charged a cost per click (based on popularity of the keyword) and can set daily maximum budgets.

Affiliate: An affiliate is someone who is associated with a company or product. After joining an affiliate program and sending traffic to that company or product that results in a sale, the affiliate will receive a share of the revenue. The company is able to associate the sale with the affiliate because of the unique URL used by the website visitors.

Autoresponder: As the name implies, an autoresponder is software that automatically sends and responds to email. When pre-programmed, an autoresponder can be used to reply to emails or to instantly send requested information such as a newsletter, etc.

Banner ad: A banner ad is a type of advertising online that links to the advertiser’s website. The intention of the banner ad is to have the visitor click on the ad (called “click through”) so that they will be automatically taken to the advertised website where they will learn more information that may lead them to purchase the product or service advertised.

Blog: Also referred to as a weblog, a blog is a frequently updated, online journal about a topic. Most blogs display the newest entry at the top of the page and are categorized (called tags) by subject. In addition, many blogs provide links to other blogs and websites, and some blogs allows readers to post comments of their own.

Copywriting: Copywriting is using words in a particular writing style in order to advertise to and inform people about a product, service, person, or company. The intent of copywriting is to induce the reader to take action that will eventually result in a sale.

Domain name: This is a name that refers to a particular website (e.g. “”) and are used instead of an IP address (unique number assigned to a computer or device).

Double opt-In: Double opt-in is also referred to confirmed opt-in. This is a term used to signify that a subscriber has signed up to receive some sort of information and has responded to an email asking them to confirm their subscription.

Email marketing campaigns: Using email in a manner similar to direct mail to communicate messages and solicit business. When individuals provide their name and email address in order to receive some information from a website, these prospective customer names are collected for future email marketing campaigns. The purpose of email marketing campaigns is to attract new customers and maintain or develop customer relationships and customer loyalty.

Forums: Forums can be thought of as an electronic version of a bulletin board, where users can post information and discuss various topics. Forums can become virtual communities and include newsgroups, message boards, discussion boards, etc. Forums are usually related to a specific topic and discussions are shown grouped together by subtopics (threaded discussions)

FTP: FTP stands for file transfer protocol and is the standard format for transferring files over the Internet. To transfer files with FTP you will need to use a software program, often available on the Internet for free, called a client.

GIF or .gif: GIF stands for graphics interchange format, which is a graphic file format used to display images on the Internet. GIF images are usually compressed, use limited colors, and are often used for screen shots and charts.

HTML: HTML is an acronym for HyperText Markup Language. HTML is a type of computer language (called markup language) used to determine the appearance of information on web pages. Using pairs of what is known as tags and angle brackets, information is formatted to display a particular way.

Internet Marketing: Internet marketing is a low cost (or free) way to market a product or service to a wide audience over the internet and through email. Internet or online marketing tends to be directed at a specific audience, usually based on keyword searches. Again, the goal of internet marketing is to send traffic to a particular website that will provide information, a service, or a product.

JPG or JPEG: Is a compression method for photographs and is a widely used file format for images on the Internet. This term can be used as a noun to refer to a picture with a .jpg or .jpeg file extension.

Joint Venture (JV): A joint venture occurs when businesses or individuals join together to achieve a goal. In Internet marketing terms a JV could mean that people are, working together to create a product or service or one person is promoting another person’s product to their mailing list.

Keyword: A word or phrase used in a search engine to look for particular internet sites. Web sites are indexed based on their keywords.

Keyword Research: Keyword research is the process of finding out what terms are frequently searched for by potential customers and which will result in the highest return on investment (such as advertising). There are many online tools that help to develop potentially profitable keywords.

Link: Also known as a hypertext link, a link provides a connection to another piece of information when a user clicks on a particular object or a word. Links are the web part of the World Wide Web and are related to how Google ranks websites.

Meta Tags: Meta tags contain coding information related to a webpage. This information includes keywords and descriptions that are used by search engines when the website is indexed.

Niche (Niche Marketing): A niche is a precise section of the potential customer market that shows an interest in a particular good or service. Niche marketing is the practice of catering to the needs of this select market.

PDF: PDF is the short form for Portable Document Format. This is a file format used by various Adobe software programs. PDF’s are commonly used for ebooks because the formatting of a document can be captured to ensure that the PDF document will display the same on all computers.

Plugin or Plug-in: An external program that enhances software programs or web browsers. Some common plugins are designed to alter or improve graphics or audio files such as Flash or Real Player.

Podcast: A podcast is an audio or video recording that can be streamed or downloaded from the internet. This multimedia broadcast received its name because of the popularity of downloading the recordings to iPods.

Ping: Ping stands for Packet Inter-Network Groper, which is a test to make sure that a website is working and to find out the server’s response time.

PPC (Pay Per Click): As the term implies, an advertiser of a product or service pays each time someone clicks on their ad. PPC advertisement costs vary and determined by bids made by the advertisers.

RSS and RSS Feeds: RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is a format that allows new content of blogs, videos, audio, etc., to be updated automatically. Instead of checking a variety of website for new information, internet users can subscribe to RSS feeds so that new information is automatically sent to them. RSS feeds require the subscriber to use RSS reader software (available free from Google Reader).

Search Engine: A search engine uses a web crawler to catalogues websites to prove the best match to a query.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO): SEO is an internet marketing strategy that attempts to rank high in the results of search engines and therefore increase traffic to the website. This process includes the use of targeted keywords in the website’s content, tags and meta tags.

Signature File: A signature file appears at the end of your email and can include your name, address, phone number, a link to a webpage, or provides some type of additional information.

Source Code: A source code is a type of computer language used in a website. The common code is HTML but to see the source code of a particular page, choose “view” from the menu bar, then select “view source.”

Tags: Tags are keywords determined by the content creator that describe the information and help it to be found by search engines.

Tracking: It is important to track the effects of advertising, PPC advertising, SEO technique, copywriting, etc., to ensure they are increasing sales and to determine which method is most effective.

URL: A Uniform Resource Locater (URL) specifies the location of a resource on the World Wide Web. For example is a URL.

Viral: A term used to imply that something has become well known by being passed from person to person through word of mouth or by an electronic means.

Web 2.0: Web 2.0 refers to another platform of the World Wide Web that has become more advanced and includes social networking sites, online communities, blogs, wikis, podcasts, RSS feeds, etc. The term refers to how individuals are using the web more so than technology advancements.

Web Hosting: In order to have a website on the World Wide Web, you will need to be associated with a company that provide web-hosting services. The web hosting company essentially provides you with storage space on their server, which is connected to the internet.

Wiki: By using Wiki server software, users are able to add, delete or edit a web page’s content through any web browser. Wiki’s are popular with online communities because they are based on trust.

Zip File: A zip file is a file that has been compressed using the Windows Zip format. The advantage of a zip file is that because it has been compressed, it makes for faster downloads. To make a zip file usable again, you need to unzip the file using a program such as WinZip (free program).

Until next time! See you around ;) ...


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