Make Money Online Tips

NOT Just another Make Money Online Blog ;-)

Authority Web Presence

What it is and how to attain it!

“Anyone who masters the tactics in this blog will become a force to reckon with. In any niche!”

- Mystery Money Man

The Importance of Authority on the Web …

In the beginning, it wasn’t that hard to become an authority site. Of course, people weren’t monetizing their sites in any significant way in the early years either.
Once the word got out that someone (whoever it was) was making money with their site, the massive gold rush began that continues today.

But there is one fact that is as true today as it was in the beginning: most people are lazy and unwilling to work to achieve great things with a real online business. Which is to your advantage.

And the most honest, upstanding, even church-going people in the real world will turn into cheating, conniving, cut throat black hat marketers and scam artists online if they think they will get away with it.

Though they wouldn’t mug someone in the real world, if they read a sales letter that essentially sold information on how to pick pocket every visitor to their site (and they thought they wouldn’t be caught) more people than you might think would do it without hesitation.

The first thing people seem to be attracted to online is the least cost, least work “business opportunities” that get hundreds of thousands of people hooked in each year to this day.

(Again, this is to your advantage!)

This is despite the fact that you cannot find mention of a single successful person who made themselves into a well-known, respected authority in any niche (online or off) without a single original thought or idea of their own.

And most importantly, without work and risk being involved.

This guide is not for those lazy people or cheaters. It is a road map for people who are willing to make their online business their central focus, and not something they are going to work on “here and there” when they are in the mood.

The many people behind this guide are not dummies. If there were a way to create buzz, search engine rankings, and traffic and money to the degree that we do with our system without work and without ripping anyone off, we’d be doing it.

Authority site owners are people who have sacrificed something to be where they are today.

Time, money, sleep, social life, or whatever.

Not a single successful website has ever been created by someone who didn’t work every day to make it successful.

Some Articles in this Blog Do Show You How To Work Much Smarter…

…it doesn’t get you off the hook entirely, but it will make your life easier for sure.

You are on a quest for intel.

You’ve made up your mind that you will build a presence that will dominate your niche. Now all that stands between you and your goals is work and good intel.

This blog contains the intel that will help you build an authority web presence and even help you get 100-200-300+ visitors per day in a matter of days depending on how you work it and what your niche is.

And from there it will take you to the maximum amount of attention you can possibly get in your niche, whether its 1000 visitors a day or 100,000+.

Please do yourself a huge favor and commit to reading this blog thoroughly. I promise you are going to see results from what you apply, so don’t get distracted by the shiny objects in your email inbox!

I gave a friend of mine a tiny fraction of the resources/tips of this blog to launch a brand new site and start generating traffic from exactly ZERO visits and no search rankings. He started getting targeted visitors within hours.

His second day, from nothing, he got 42 unique visitors. His third day he was ranking in the top 10 in Google for great keywords people were actually searching with (not dead keywords, but top tier two-word phrases)!

The things I showed my friend are in this blog plus a helluva lot more!

All that potential is really here for you. Thank the person who alerted you to this blog. And don’t forget, at least one of your competitors is probably reading it too ;-)

Until next time! See you around :-) ...


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