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7 Days to Crush your Competition - Day 2


Hi all !!! :-)

Hope you slept well and put on another pot of coffee. We've got another fun, busy day ahead of us. Today we get to have some real fun. Yeah, I cannot wait. Put away the rest of those articles. We don't need them today.

Today is all about building up links to our web 2.0 gateways.

Let us start by launching the massive pinging cycle. What the heck does that mean,
right? Okay, ping is an established term for sending an information packet across a
network to either test a connection or gauge network speed. Similarly, blogging sites
send pings to servers that generate lists of blog updates and new blog material.

Remember those sites we visited when you read the first post - 7 Days to Crush your Competition - Day 1 ? I hope you remember your passwords.
We're going back, and pinging these pages to generate more traffic (with the goal of
generating more traffic to your own Web site, obviously).
I recommend Pingoat for the job, and I have the link back on the “Web 2.0 sites” appendix page.

There are several other similar services out there, including, and All of them are really simple. You can add
the RSS feeds for your blogs, hubs, lenses and other pages to dozens of directories
with one click. Just copy (control-C. You knew that, right?) the address for your
feed, then paste (control-V, of course) it at the ping site. All the directories will be automatically notified every time you update. Cool, huh?

One more definition for dummies: RSS stands for real simple syndication, and
offers a basic, standardized format for compiling new content. Your RSS feed is the
easiest way to list updates on all your sites, and the best page to ping.
OK, enough background. Let's do this thing.

First, go back to HubPages.

On your HubPages hub, you will notice your author account has an RSS feed option
in that little box on the right side of your profile page. Well, you want to ping that feed. Also, every time you click on a keyword on the sidebar, you will see an RSS feed icon next to the keyword at the top of the page. Ping that feed, too. This will generate traffic for other people's posts, too, but that's OK. Traffic on other pages doesn't reduce the traffic to yours.

Remember your Squidoo page? Of course you do. Who can forget that silly name?
Go back there.

Much like HubPages, you'll see easy options for pinging your Squidoo lens content.
Your lens has a sidebar with a whole bunch of stuff, including ads and related
topics. What you care about right now is the RSS feed icon listed with all the social
networking sites under “bookmark and share.” Click on that link, then ping the RSS page.

Hit your Wordpress blog(s).

You know the drill. Look for that little yellow RSS feed logo. Copy and paste the
link into your pinging site of choice.
Likewise all your Web 2.0 Web sites should have a place to ping your feed. If they
don’t, you can always ping your URL.

Now all the search engines see your content waving its little virtual arms and
shouting "HEY I'm over here, look at me and check out what I can do."
You get the idea. After all that pinging, I like to take a break.

That was a quick day of work, right? Just copy and paste a dozen times and you're
good to go. So give that control key a break. Have some fun watching a movie or

Go to sleep and I'll see you tomorrow.


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