Make Money Online Tips

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CPA Techniques Part IV


Method C

This method requires you to have some cash on your hand. But it’s FAST! The reason is because you’ll pay Facebook using Pay Per Click.
People on Facebook are like people all over. We all love a bargainor better still, something for nothing. This technique is all aboutusing CPA offers to increase your conversion rate for your Facebook group with Facebook adverts. Steps to making money on Facebook:

  • Visit for anexhaustive list of CPA networks. Apply and subscribe to one or two that fit in with your own interests and those of your Facebook group.

  • Make sure they are campaigns with ‘free’ offers for you to pass on to your group. For example: The Magic Of Making Up (Get Your Ex Back). A Hungry Crowd That IsDesperate For Help Makes You A Lot Of Easy Sales. Help Keep Relationships Together And Make 75% Commission Too.
Virtually Unlimited Traffic Now And In The Future. For Free Articles, Video And Help See Affiliate Page.

$/sale: $24.07 | Future $: - | Total $/sale: $24.07 | %/sale: 75.0%

  • With this tempting free offer in hand go to Facebook and click on . You will be required to subscribe to Facebook advertising and submit your billing details.
  • Fill in the ‘advertise on Facebook’ page. The first requirement is for your affiliate ID.
Create your advert with a title of not more than 25 words, the advert text body of not more than 135 words, and add an image from your site. Make sure your title starts with the ‘Free articles, video’ etc.

  • Target the people to whom your advert goes. Facebook advertising is smart advertising in this. Look for the most likely age group, nationality, and gender that will be most likely to click through and buy your product. The ‘education’, ‘workplaces’ and ‘interested in’ search fields are probably not relevant to this example campaign but ‘single’ is probably well worth including.

Now set a price for your adverts. If your expected conversion rate is 1% you should not pay more than 1% of your commission rate. In our example you earn 75% of $24.07, $18.05. So 1% of $18.05 is $.18 per click maximum.

  • You choose when you want to run your adverts or run them continuously. Always monitor carefully the results of your ad campaign and adjust it as you go to maximize your conversion rate and profit.
  • Consider using an application such as ‘Facebook friend bomber’ to quickly build up your group numbers or do it manually.


Method D

It is a common knowledge that there are people who spend hours and hours on FaceBook today. Most of them use it so as to communicate with their friends, although it is also known that some companies and businessmen have managed to make thousands of dollars on Facebook.
Creating a Facebook application is not as hard as you think. There are people who do this in several freelance websites, such as the or the

You can create a Facebook application that will be attractive enough.

Have you seen how many people play GeoChallenge or poker on Facebook? Do not underestimate the amount of time that people spend there, because this is indicative of what people are looking for in a website and social network like this.

Once you have created a simple game, preferably something like a poker game with chips, you can create a simple payment system. The only thing you need to make sure is that it is a challenging and addictive game that people won’t like to leave once it runs out.

You can have an option which allows them to buy chips. But you can also offer them the chance to earn some chips for free, by visiting a website, which is your CPA link. Once they fill the CPA offer you have on the website, they will earn a particular amount of chips. That’s not bad is it? Whatever method they use – the direct payment or the CPA offer- that will bring some good money to you.

Facebookers enjoy games and they are likely to pay some small amount of money so as to replenish their game. You can offer a simple source of entertainment and make some good
money, as do many application developers today on Facebook.

You can visit the and get an idea of what kinds of applications exist on Facebook today and what is the value of some of them. You will see that some of them actually make millions every month; no it’s not a typo.

We are talking about millions. Applications and games on Facebook is one of the most lucrative techniques available today. The idea behind it is to take advantage of the applications and the networks that are a ‘hot’ thing nowadays, and Facebook is definitely one of them.

Until next time! See you around :-) ...


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