Make Money Online Tips

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3 Core Secrets in the Affiliate Marketing

3 Core Secrets to Growing Your Business

There are three actions you need to take on a continuous basis to build your credibility and to increase your online influence:

  1. You need to create fresh content every week.
  2. You need to increase the amount of traffic to your sites because as you know, traffic is the lifeblood of your online business.
  3. You need to increase the size of your mailing list. The bigger your list is, the more you will make. I know it has been said a gazillion times; “The Money Is In The List,” but it is true.
Your online income will increase by leaps and bounds if you focus on these three core concepts. Devoting at least 4 hours, a week in these key areas will help you stay ahead of your competition. One way to accomplish this weekly endeavour is to follow the daily schedule below.

Dedicate 15 minutes each day to each of the following tasks:

1. Create fresh content and new sites to expand your presence on the web. Ensure that your content establishes you as an expert in your niche.
2. Drive traffic to you content and sites by following the steps that I later illustrate in this blog.
3. Build your mailing list and improve your opt-in conversion rate.

Adhering to this daily schedule will help you to easily examine what is working and identify areas that require improvement.
If your online business is not growing then it is dying. Each day, remind yourself to get back on track and focus on these key areas to build your business. There is no doubt that your income will grow in relation to your efforts.

Here is another concept to consider...

The quality of your “life and business,” is directly proportional to the quality of questions you ask.
Here is an example... Instead of saying, “Where should I go on vacation this year?”

A better quality question would be, “Where can I go on vacation this year and make $10,000 at the same time?” Now that is a quality question.

You will find that by improving the quality of the questions you ask, that both your life and online business will begin to improve.
Adopting the proper mindset is also paramount to your success. Building an unwavering belief in yourself will allow you to get through the daily challenges and obstacles that may come your way.


Do not allow yourself to give up too easily. Everyone who becomes involved in Internet marketing starts out in exactly the same place. A majority of people begin with a vague idea of how it all works and the hope that it will all come together for them.

I assure you that by the time you have read through this guide, listened to the audio interviews, and watched the videos, that you will have all the knowledge you’ll need to create a successful online business.

Just believe that it is possible for you to succeed in Internet marketing and you will. It is the belief that you have in yourself that will carry you through the rough spots and obstacles you’ll face early on.

I have created a companion guide called, “Money Mindset”, that will assist you in creating some powerful affirmations. Positive affirmations have played a huge part in my own personal transformation and success.

Saying affirmations aloud is a practice you should adopt on a daily basis. I will get more into that in the companion guide.

Where Do You Start?

There are so many different ways to make money online that at times choosing a starting point can be a little overwhelming.

You can make money from:

• Google Adsense
• Pay Per Click (PPC)
• Affiliate Marketing
• Cost Per Action (CPA)
• Pay Per Lead
• Email Marketing
• Product Creation

The list goes on and on...

If you are just starting out I recommend you begin with affiliate marketing before branching out into different areas.

Internet Marketing Skill Set

There are a few skills you will have to develop to maximize your profits:

Niche Research
• Product Research
• Keyword Research
• Content Creation
SEO Techniques
Traffic Generation
• Copywriting

I know it sounds like a lot to learn, but throughout these series posts, we will explore these different areas of Internet marketing.

The Covert Affiliate Method Aftermath

In the Secret Affiliate Code I introduced the Covert Affiliate Method, which is a fantastic way of making quick profits.

Unfortunately, too many people lost sight of the big picture. The traffic principles I laid out in the secret code can be used in any niche with great results, and provide even more profits in less competitive niches.

Although I received tons of success stories, I found there were two things that a small number of people still struggled with...

1. Finding a profitable niche
2. The need for a detailed step-by-step action plan

In this guide, I will expand upon the original foundation of the secret code and provide even more detailed steps for you to follow to catapult your online success...

The “Secret,” to making money online comes down to attracting targeted traffic.
In this course, I will reveal how to find a profitable niche, the various ways to use free traffic methods to attract targeted consumers to your sites, and disclose the best ways to monetize that traffic.

The biggest “Secret,” of them all is to brand yourself an expert in your chosen niche. Your ability to make a large amount of sales is directly proportional to the amount of people you are able to reach and influence. Building your online credibility as an expert in your field greatly affects your conversion rate.

If you’re feeling like you’re not an expert at anything, you’ll be surprised at how quickly you can become an authority on your target market with a little research.

Until next time ! See you around ;) ...


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